How cool that at some point we get to be at every age?
There are such unique milestones and benefits to every season of life. I hope I get to enjoy each one. But more importantly I hope I really enjoy the age I am right now.
Each age has its rewards, privileges, burden and joys. Think about it,
When you’re young, you can make risky bold moves, wear ridiculous clothes, and talk a little more confidently and ask obvious questions. People give you grace.
Since I'm 29, half of my friends look like this.
When you’re middle aged (what is that now 30-50s?), you can dress like you’re important, get at all the jokes on TV because they're written by your generation, and miss important meetings or events because you're ‘busy.' It's cool - people give you grace.
The other half look like this. It's good right? A nice mix.
When you’re old, you can advise, ask more direct, poignant questions and give help to someone without their asking — and it is received. If they don’t like it, again, they give you grace.
I need more friends like her.
3 ways grasping the brevity of time can help you
You are more motivated (to not waste your age)
You realize the unique privileges that you only hold for a short time
You live with thankfulness for today
It’s a bit melancholy to realize you can’t go back to a step you’ve passed (I still grieve my teens sometimes), but it is exciting to know each future year holds new blessings and privileges.
So now, do me a favor. For investigative purposes only, of course ;) Answer the question for yourself (in the comments below): What are 3 things your current age offers you personally, socially or professionally?
Consider writing them down, put them on a post-it note. And take a moment each day to be grateful for your age. Thankful you're still alive. Remember this one:
You're as old as you've ever been. And as young as you'll ever be. So rejoice in your youth! And rejoice in your wisdom! It's a beautiful life.